Design a recreation room for the whole family

Design a recreation room for the whole family
Consider the specific interests of your family when planning your recreation room. If your family is musical, instruments and a well-stocked CD collection are a good idea. If your family enjoys playing games, a pool table, chess sets, cards, and other board games are another good idea.
Choose furniture that reflects the theme of your recreation room, as well as its specific purpose. For a recreation room that children or teenagers will be using, make sure you buy furniture that can be easily cleaned of stains or spills and avoid buying expensive, delicate materials for couches and chairs, such as leather. For movie rooms, make sure you invest in a high-quality television, surround sound and thick curtains or blinds to give the room a ‘movie-house’ atmosphere.
Practical considerations for furniture that links to the theme of your room could include purchasing bean bags, floor pillows or wrap around couches for game rooms that can accommodate large groups of people to play.
Accessories for your recreation room should be bought with practicality and design in mind. Reading lights, cosy throw blankets, lots of pillows and adjustable lights for dimming during movies, and lots of photo frames with special moments with family and friends.
Other practical additions to your recreation room include a small ‘kitchen’ area equipped with a mini-bar, kettle, tea and coffee items and jars of snacks.
Some creative decor ideas for your recreation room include vintage movie posters, colourful LED lights, wall murals or sports jerseys.