Cabling Specialists in Nelson Mandela Bay

Eastern Cape

Best match results for cabling specialists in Nelson Mandela Bay + 30km.

    LEADERS IN CONCRETE RAFTS AND SLABS Slab Masters specializes in all forms of concrete rafts and slabs We provide concrete for small residential, commercial and industrial projects in and around Gauteng. If you are a home owner or building contractor in need of a concrete project to be completed, contact us today for a competitive quote. We deliver structures that adhere to specifications and are strong enough to endure all expected circumstances. We provide the best finish possible to... Read more

    We do House renovations Such as 1)electrical installation new and old , domestic ,commercial and industrial 2)painting 3)plumping 4) bathroom renovations, chaching old showers into new modern walkin showers 5) tilling 6) paving 7) electric gates, eletric fencing 8) welding 9) waterproofing ARXIVISTA IS HERE AT YOUR SERVICE , GARANTEED GOOD SERVICE, WE WILL LEAVE YOU SMILLING , NO JOB TOO SMALL AVAILABLE 24/7 Read more

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