Bad Feng Shui factors to avoid in home design

Avoiding Bad Feng Shui
Follow this guide to make sure you know how to avoid bad Feng Shui and get the best living experience from your home:
According to followers of Feng Shui, when one’s front door directly aligns with one’s back door, this can cause bad Feng Shui. This is because of the belief that good energy coming through the front door will automatically exit through the back door if the areas are directly aligned.
Staircases that face the front door of one’s home are also labelled as a cause of bad Feng Shui. According to Feng Shui believers, this is also a result of negative energy flow in the home, as good energy that enters through the front door is said to move away according to the path of the staircase. This is said to leave the ground floor of the home devoid of positive energy.
A staircase at the centre of the home also encourages bad Feng Shui. Tips to improve the Feng Shui of a staircase at the centre of the home include complementing the staircase with plants, art, rugs and good lighting.
Long, narrow hallways are another poor design choice in terms of Feng Shui. This is because they often lack sufficient natural light, fresh air, and freedom to move. Long, narrow hallways are also more likely to appear cluttered and often do not lend themselves to decoration because of this reason. In Feng Shui terms, this encourages bad energy in a particularly unfortunate area as the corridor links multiple rooms, which can also fall under the influence of bad energy.