- 703 Rondebosch Oaks, Albion Rd, Rondebosch 7700, Western Cape
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Feng Shui Consultants
Best match results for feng shui consultants in South Africa + 5km.
I'm a Feng Shui and Spatial Advisor and AstroRelationship Consulant who has obtained her experience from living in the Orient since she was a child where she learned to deal with feng shui in her everyday life. I work with clients from all over the globe and give lectures on the subject from both a theoretical and an interior design perspective. In this sense, I am passionate about writing and promoting the geomantic arts such as feng shui as it is a subject that has been widely commercialized,... Read more
I consult homes and business those who require Feng Shui consultations and advise accordingly. If you are interested in improving your relationships, better money prospects, better health or for overall harmony in life you can make use of Feng Shui Services. For homes I give recommendations for all the members residing and for the offices it depends whether it is individual or for the business. The recommendations include the layout of the furniture, sleeping position, water features, fire place... Read more
Simone is a Feng Shui consultant who has had the benefit of studying for over 18 years with some of the world's greatest masters. Simone gives practical advise arranging your environment for your homes, work places and retail spaces in accordance with classical Feng Shui principles enhancing the flow of subtle Qi energy in your daily life bringing you health, happiness, relationships, success, good fortune and abundance. The underlying principles of Feng Shui is to live in harmony with your environment... Read more
- Paarl Central, Western Cape
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Traditional Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years, it is still used by everyday people up to big business & celebrities to enhance every aspect of their lives. In building it is essential to work with a traditional consultant to ensure the building is positioned and designed correctly to support the inhabitants. First I give guidelines, then the Architect works from those guidelines to produce plans, I check plans & give go ahead. Once building is near completion I finalise colour schemes,... Read more
Feng Shui consultations to enhance and balance energies, analysing the floorplan, reporting and consultation to review layout, colour scheme and decor to maximise Feng Shui potential. Read more
There are a lot of interior designers and decorators that do what we do. They share the same what and how, but our clients work with us for our why and our who. We are friendly dynamic creators and we set out to connect with people on what matters most their space and experience in it. Adore Design is a full service Interior Design company specializing in residential projects big and small, commercial and retail sectors. Whether its a renovation or a new custom home, the design team is experienced... Read more