Decorating Specialists in North West Province
Best match results for decorating specialists in North West Province.
Specialists in Office Furniture Supplier, Ergonomics Office Furniture in South Africa, specialists in manufacturing steel or wooden office furniture, modern office furniture, and trends in designing the best in office gear, electronics, office, sales, and after-sales services will be conducted by customer services. Established in 2015 and possessed registered , over 10 years of experience of designing and manufacturing, we have more than 30 manufacturers. 2. Our Range Of Products Our products... Read more
We manufacture custom-made stencils for use on walls, floors, furniture, stepping stones, pot plants, roads and side walks, fabric, etc. We laser cut our stencils from sizes 990mm wide to endless lengths.One can use an array of designs to create wallpaper like effects on walls. Revamp old furniture with chalk paint and Formarelli stencils - please visit our online store for plenty of inspiration. Dream up the stencil design and we will cut it for you. Our products are delivered via courier service... Read more