Colour Consultants in Cape Town Metropolitan

Western Cape

Best match results for colour consultants in Cape Town Metropolitan + 5km.

    STUDIO PLUS was founded in 2011 and over the past 10 years has grown into a multi-functional, efficient company. ARCHITECTURE, COMPLIANCE, COUNCIL SUBMISSIONS, RETAIL DESIGN, INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DESIGN - we do it all... Our team consists of a reliable, passionate few who love architecture and the architectural field, who manage to deal with clients and municipalities with a smile. Being the best at what we do require constant interaction between us and our service providers as well... Read more

    We manufacture custom-made stencils for use on walls, floors, furniture, stepping stones, pot plants, roads and side walks, fabric, etc. We laser cut our stencils from sizes 990mm wide to endless lengths.One can use an array of designs to create wallpaper like effects on walls. Revamp old furniture with chalk paint and Formarelli stencils - please visit our online store for plenty of inspiration. Dream up the stencil design and we will cut it for you. Our products are delivered via courier service... Read more

    Pink Pearl Interior Design and Decor specialises in but not limited to; Interior Design and Decor, offering professional design expertise to suit your lifestyle and needs. We always aim to capture the spirit of the client and the essence of the space. Our work reflects our passion and love for all things creative. Please visit the rest of our website, where you will get to know us better and see the work that we do. Read more

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