Domestic Workers - iLembe / North Coast


Best match results for domestic workers in iLembe / North Coast + 30km.

    Bhengu cleaning service where spotless cleaning comes to your door we specialize in regular cleaning spring cleaning end of tenancy cleaning window cleaning sofa and carpet cleaning High pressure cleaning (roof and paving) grass cutting and gardening event cleaning pre and post occupational cleaning Customer satisfaction is guaranteed contact us today for a free qoutation. If you wish to see our previous work we are on social media Instagram - bhengucleaning and Facebook - Ngcolosi... Read more

    RAH Maintenance and Renovations RAH Cleaning Service We offer a domestic cleaning service We also do All carpentry, plumbing, electrical, tiling, painting, waterproofing and land scaping jobs. We also install, repair Jacuzzis and Jacuzzi covers. From the smallest to the biggest jobs we do them all! Read more

    Other related businesses in and around iLembe / North Coast

    Commercial and Domestic cleaning services, Queuing services, Errands services, Garden(Lawn mower& weed control), Pest control.....(Essentially home services) Read more

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