Commercial Cleaners & cleaning in Bloemfontein

Mangaung, Free State

Best match results for commercial cleaners & cleaning in Bloemfontein + 5km.

    FOR ANYONE SEEKING; - Reliable Domestic Workers - Nanny's / Babysitters / Au Pairs - Home Based Care Givers / Home Nurses - General Workers - Cleaners / Clean House Crew Maid4U is a 7 Times award winning organisation. We are a professional Licenced domestic service recruitment and training agency, offering placement solutions that provide structure to a highly personalised and often informal service, where the workplace is the employers home. Maid4Us services include the recruitment, placement... Read more

    Deemyle cleaning services has been known for quality services, exceptional efficiency & the highest level of professionalism. No matter what service you are looking for, we guarantee to not only meet, but exceed your expectations & ensure your full satisfaction Our team is up for every Job. "Deemyle is a distinctive & professional cleaning service that specialises in all sorts of cleaning. We offer the best cleaning service in Bloemfontein neighbourhood, we aspire to maintain your home & business... Read more

    Cleaning & Housekeeping Commercial Cleaners & cleaning

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