Carpet Dyeing

Carpet Dyeing
Not all types of carpet fiber can be dyed. Only wool or nylon. To test your carpet, carefully burn a fiber sample. Wool will burn slowly, smell like burning hair, and leave a dark ash. Nylon will melt, form a light-colored, hard bead, and may smell of celery. First of all remove all furniture from the room and lay tape down all the sides of the carpet especially if they are against scuritng boards. This will prevent your dye from going anywhere besides the carpet. Clean the carpet as thoroughly as possible, use a vacuum and shampoo to do this, . You can purchase a carpet cleaning machine designed for home use or rent one. Do not carry on while the carpet is still wet, let it sit and dry for the day, leaving fans in the room to circulate the air is important for faster process.
When it comes to mixing the dye, it is important to mix it according to the package, this will let you make sure that the right colour comes and there are no mistakes. Then put a small amount of the mixed dye into a spray bottle and spray the test area of the carpet. Wait for the test to dry before covering your entire carpet with dye. The test area will show if the dye is the right color and if the fiber is absorbing the dye properly. It is important to be even with your sprays. Spray small sections then rub it in with a stiff cleaning brush. Make sure the dye is completely dry before using it