Excavation & Demolition Specialists - George

Eden District, Western Cape

Best match results for excavation & demolition specialists in George + 30km.

    Sunrise Home Building Renovations (Pty) Ltd provides reputable turnkey construction solutions through a wide range of professional construction services for both residential and commercial projects. We specialise in the construction of new buildings, renovations, restorations, alterations, extensions, and refurbishments. We believe that providing a professional service and quality craftsmanship are essential for the delivery of successful development and pride ourselves on offering our clients... Read more

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    We do the following Asphalt - driveways, parking areas, roads Paving - driveways, parking areas, roads Ceiling - Bulkheads, suspended ceiling, flush plaster ceiling Drywall - soundproof, fireproof, waterproof, standard drywall Kitchen - any cupboards Shopfitting - any designed cupboards Read more

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