Tile Suppliers
Choosing the correct tiles for your home is an important and vital task. Choosing the right tiles will ensure aesthetic benefits as well as durability.
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Modern living luxury homes 101 with Tobb Group
The demand for modern living luxury apartments reflects a shift in our lifestyles — people want a place where they can work and play in one convenient and comfortable setting.
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Bathroom Accessories
Your bathroom may be a private space that not all guests are able to appreciate, but taking the time to make it the best place to start your day will be well worth it.
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Bathroom renovations
It is really a worthwhile spend to save for and to budget towards, to have a beautiful bathroom for you, your family and your visitors.
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Bathroom Plumbers
Every bathroom needs to be taken care of properly so that everyone in your house is safe from getting sick. If your bathroom is cleaned properly and regularly there should be no problems.
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Renovating your bathroom
Not all Home Renovations is created equal. Some upgrades may add immense value to your home, while’s others may not
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Why do Showers Leak
A leaking shower not only does damage to your house, it can cause unwanted smells, damage to surrounding areas, dampness and attract insects and other pests that enjoy moisture.
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Your contractor is your partner, know them better
As a client, you don’t want a contractor to be in your home for a month, doing work that could be have been completed in a week or two
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How to choose the perfect showerhead
One of the best ways to start your day is with a powerful, hot shower. That’s why taking the time to purchase the perfect shower head is well worth the effort.
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Selecting correct Cupboards and Wardrobes
You can choose between a pre-built or custom designed storage spaces, built in or free standing. Cupboards increase the storage space in your home and can be found in the bedroom, bathroom, laundry or almost any space that requires storage. Without doubt they add value to any home.
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Mirrors can be used throughout the home with great effect and can be used to enhance the feeling of space and light within a room or an outdoor area.
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Tilers and Tiles
Your tiler should provide you with a written quotation; ask for references, past experience and ask if they have some photographs of past work.
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Should you add on or just move on?
In fact to get the maximum benefit out of any alterations you make, you need to be fairly sure that they will make it possible and comfortable for you and your family to stay on in your home for at least the next few years.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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Cabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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Bathroom Fittings
Once you have completed the design phase of your bathroom and selected elements such as the bath, basin and shower you will need to choose the appropriate fittings for this room. Typical bathroom fittings may include: · Taps · Shower heads · Towel rails · Drains · Soap dishes · Electrical fittings
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Cupboards and Wardrobes
Drawers and pull out racks are a good idea to include in your design. Suppliers of cupboards and wardrobes should offer a good quality product and service.
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The ultimate bathroom renovation tips
Renovating a bathroom can be overwhelming but fun. Are you aware that Renovating your bathroom is one of the greatest ways to increase the resale value of your home? Before you call or look for contractors, you must decide how much you going to spend, which products to use, and determine if you're going to change the layout.
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There are always two types of people; cat people and dog people, tea drinkers and coffee drinkers, bath people and shower people.
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Bathroom renovations: Creative ways to modernise your bathroom
The bathroom vanity serves as a central element in your bathroom renovations, combining storage functionality with aesthetic appeal.
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