Fridge and Freezer in uThungulu / North Coast


Best match results for fridge and freezer in uThungulu / North Coast + 5km.

    We repair,service and maintain fridges,microwaves,freezers,cold rooms,water machines,stoves,washing machines,tumbledriers,dishwashers,ice cream machines,heavy duty coolers etc. Read more

    Appliance Installation & Repair Fridge and Freezer

    we cater for all fridges domestic to industrial,freezers,cold rooms mobile and fixed build and repairs ice machines all modes. all kinds of air-conditioners from cars,trucks,buses,housesand offices we also do HVAC fixing and installation washing machines tumble dryers.chip fryers woofers etc try us we promise for a best workmanship. we believe a satisfied customer makes us better technicians Read more

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