How to choose your fridge

Choosing the ideal Fridge
When choosing your fridge its all about the balance between price and practicality, they come in a wide variety of styles and with a number of features to choose from, to make sure you make the right choice, you will need to look at all aspects possible.
Custom Colding
Some Fridges come with two freezer compartments, the temperature is changeable for each of the compartments, this means that you are able to choose if you want to have both sides as a freezer or not.
Double Doors
These models have a very shallow door, this allows the owner to be able to access items very easily on frequent occassions without dropping the tempreature of the fridge.
Important things to look at when choosing your fridge.
If you are a person who likes to cook fresh food then a bottom mount fridge is best for you, a double doors unit offers the best of both worlds though, most models have adjustable shelves, drawers with temperature settings, and dedicated spaces for certain foods. Another very important question to ask yourself is how much space do you actually need in your fridge, the rule of thumb is usually 12 cubic feet for two people. One thing that people very often look over is the ice and water dispenser, this can save you time and money if you are the type of family that uses ice very often, it is a quick and easy machine to use.
For fridge installation or sales contact a distrubutor in your area from our page.