How to choose the perfect tumble dryer

The Perfect Tumble Dryer
Three main types of tumble dryer are available; freestanding, integrated, and semi-integrated tumble dryers. Freestanding tumble dryers give homeowners the benefit of a flexible choice in terms of where you want to put your dryer. Integrated tumble dryers are designed to be placed in kitchens and cannot be moved around. They are less expensive than freestanding models. Semi-integrated machines are more expensive than their integrated counterparts and are composed of a visible control panel with a dryer drum concealed behind a door.
When it comes to the power source of your dryer, there are four main types to choose from; vented, condenser, gas, and heat pump tumble dryers. Vented tumble dryers make use of an external hose to pump out and humid air out from the tumble dryer drum. Vented dryers can also have temporary hoses extending from the drum out of a window. Vented models are known for being the cheapest and most common option.
Condenser tumble dryers do not require hoses connected to external vents and have the advantage of being installable into any area of the home. These types of dryer condense steam inside the dryer drum until it collects into water, which can then be removed and emptied into a sink.
Gas tumble dryers are known for being the most energy efficient and cheap clothes drying option. The air in dryer drum is warmed by gas power, rather than electrical power.
Finally, heat pump tumble dryers, which are a more expensive option, are less expensive to run in the long term than electric dryers. This model reheats external air that is sucked into the dryer and then cools this air in order for it to condense back into water.