Clothes Dryers

Clothes/Tumble Dryer
When using a Tumble dryer it is important to know how to use the machine so that there is no shrinkage or damage done to clothes. When drying your clothes be sure to check the label on the item to see if there are any specific requirement for that fabric. Just like a washing machine it is important not to overload your tumble dryer, this could break your tumbler mechanic, this can also save some electricity as well. if the clothes are still dripping wet when they come out of the washing machine, it recommended to let them have another spin so there is no excess water. Always shake each piece of clothing until it is untangled before you out it in the tumble dryer. WHen seperating your clothes after a clean, do it by size as there is less chance of losing items during the dry.
Making regular checks on your tumble dryer is vital to ensure it’s working safely. Every month, pull out your dryer and checking for dust build up on the sockets, as this can overheat and pose a fire risk. A regular clean of your tumble dryer is also vital as there is a build up of fluff from the fabric in the clothes. Make sure you also put your tumble dryer in the correct place, because there is such a large build up of heat the room needs to be well ventilated.